Green gestures to adopt during the holidays
Since last July 29, we have been living on credit from the planet's natural resources. Indeed, we have exhausted all the resources that nature can renew in one year 😕. On vacation as at home, it is therefore important to adopt small, simple and ecological gestures to reduce our energy consumption and preserve our beautiful planet 🌍.
Here are our ecological gestures to adopt during your vacation 🌿🌴.
Being green when packing
Holidays start when you pack your suitcase. During the preparation of this one you can already adopt small eco-responsible gestures 🍀!
1/ Choosing eco-responsible cosmetics
For the start, make yourself a zero-waste and eco-friendly toiletry bag. For this we opt for solid and biodegradable cosmetics whose composition does not damage the planet. Here are all our advice to put together an eco-friendly toiletry bag without the hassle 😊.
Also find all our zero waste cosmetics just here.
2/ Adopt a mineral sunscreen
Holidays go hand in hand with the beach, sun and tanning. To do this, arm yourself with effective sun protection that will protect your skin from bad UV rays. It is best to opt for an organic and mineral sunscreen. This one is great not only to preserve your health since it is formulated without endocrine disruptors or carcinogenic ingredients but also to preserve the environment.
Natural and vegan sunscreen does not harm the coral reefs which are highly threatened because of all the chemical protections released into the ocean. It is biodegradable and eco-friendly 🐢.
If you can, rinse your body before going in the water to remove sunscreen residue.
3/ Equip yourself with a stainless steel water bottle
During the holidays, as throughout the year, adopt the gourd. This solution is ideal for avoiding the overconsumption of plastic bottles found in the oceans 🌊.
The stainless steel water bottle is great because it doesn't weigh much and keeps your water cool. If you are reluctant to drink tap water, you can spin it using charcoal which will purify and sanitize it.
4/ Bring a pocket ashtray and a garbage bag
For smokers, it is essential to provide a pocket ashtray to avoid having to dispose of cigarette butts on the beach or in the mountains. Practical, this little tool slips easily into your pocket or bag to help you out as soon as the need arises.
We also think of slipping in a small plastic or fabric bag to create a portable trash can. It will be ultra-practical in the event of a picnic in the middle of nature 😉.
Green trips
1/ Avoid flying for short trips
Taking the plane is sometimes easy. This saves considerable time, we don't worry about anything, it's the pilot who manages. Unfortunately, this means of transport is the most polluting 😕.
For short trips, it is best to take the train or opt for carpooling to reduce your CO2 emissions.
In addition to being nice, you may have the opportunity to meet great people during your trip 😉.
2/ Explore the region by bike
Once you arrive in your dream destination, why not explore the region by bike 🚲? In addition to being nice and friendly, this will allow you to discover the region in a fun and sporty way. You will be able to reach small paths that are impossible to access by car and in addition you will build your muscles 💪🏻.
Walking is also a great way to get to the sea or the viewpoint you want 🏔.
Being green on vacation
1/ Acting in a hotel room
It is also possible to adopt eco-responsible actions in hotel rooms. For example, ask that towels and sheets not be changed every day. Indeed, washing them once a week is enough. Unfortunately, daily washing delivers far too much polluting material because of the harsh chemical detergents used 😕.
Also avoid using the air conditioning excessively. Remember to ventilate your room at night and draw the curtains during the day to prevent heat from entering the room.
If it's excessively hot, turn on your air conditioning while cooling the space and then turn it off.

2/ Take part in a collection operation
Why not take advantage of its presence by the sea to participate in a collection operation?
A dream setting, an ecological and useful action and a nice moment shared with family or friends. Picking up the waste left on the coast is not only a very nice gesture but can also be used to raise awareness for your children. From a young age, it is important to inform them of the situation and to engage them in actions that will allow them to live in a healthier universe.
If nothing is happening in your area, why not do it yourself? Plan a pair of gloves and a trash bag and the operation can begin 😊
There is also plogging which is the association of jogging with the action of picking up. As soon as you see a piece of trash, stop picking it up. Most ? This will allow you to breathe between two strides 😉.
3/ Consume local
It's the holidays, all the little pleasures are allowed! We like to go to restaurants and bring back souvenirs to our loved ones.
Best in these circumstances? Consuming locally and making small traders work. We taste the specialties of the area and we avoid tourist trap restaurants whose products are of poor quality, from big industry.
To bring back memories, turn to local crafts. You will find little nuggets that are sure to please!
4/ Avoid straws in bars
Straws are the number one enemy of the oceans. Very small, they easily infiltrate the orifices of small marine creatures. We've all seen the images of turtles with straws in their noses 😕. So we say no to the straw, or we equip ourselves with a stainless steel straw which will replace the plastic ones.
In the same way, plastic cotton swabs are avoided. We choose their bamboo twins or the Lamazuna wooden ear pick.

And you, what are the little green gestures you put in place on vacation?