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When Ludvina Sanchez called us in 2014, she had just created a brand new vegan cosmetics company with her associates. It is the first French company to be certified by PETA Cruelty Free and Vegan. We immediately hooked up with the person and the products. And FINALLY a company was officially launching on this niche which was then unoccupied by the French.
Beyond that, Ludvina offers solid cosmetics in a zero waste approach. We already knew the principle but here the products that Pachamamai sells have a quality of manufacture and composition that was lacking in the products that could already be found on the market.
Pachamamai's natural and organic skincare products are handmade and contain no harmful additives. The ingredients used such as inca inchi (sacred oil of the incas), Maca or dragon's blood (sap of a plant) reflect the image of the brand. This constitutes a healthy and natural "crossbreeding" of organic materials and plants from the Amazonian forest.
Warning: the softness and quality of the products can be a risk of addiction! 🙂
Little secret: the name of Crystal toothpaste comes from a famous series!