Surya Brasil

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    Surya Brasil, a beautiful story of entrepreneurship

    Surya Brasil launched its first product in 1995, Henné Surya powder, a powder formulated with “raw” ingredients imported from India. Surya Brasil quickly became the leading company in Henna hair coloring solutions. A position consolidated by the launch in 1997 of Henné Surya cream, the first hair color with organic ingredients. The same year Surya Brasil began exporting to the United States and steady growth allowed the Brazilian company to open an office in New York in 2001.

    In addition to natural cosmetics, Surya Brasil now has a range of other natural products intended to promote well-being and developed with a constant concern for innovation and social responsibility.

    Surya Brasil has won several certifications from very important international agencies such as Ecocert, Vegan, PETA (Cruelty Free), Cosmebio and ISO 14001.

    New products have been launched and Surya Brasil has consolidated its position in Brazil and internationally. In 2005 an office in India was inaugurated.

    Surya Brasil, ethical products thanks to a committed founder

    Clélia, the founder of Surya Brasil, wants to offer products that look like her. This is why they obey strong ethical principles. Of course the products are organic and certified by Ecocert.

    But Clélia has gone further and now the products respond to the concern to respect the environment in its entirety, fauna and flora included. This requires the absence of animal testing and vegan compositions.

    Beauty, Good Health and Positivism are the leitmotifs of Surya Brasil who will benevolently accompany you in your quest to consume ethical cosmetics that have little impact on the environment.

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